Dear friends, This year marks the centenary of György Ligeti’s birth, and I’d like to mention a number of exciting projects revolving around this special anniversary. Ligeti in Dialogue I’ve teamed up...
Dear friends, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the spring. My 2023 is turning out to be a year of revisitations. As part of a tour of Canada in February...
Dear friends, I hope this finds you well, and that the new year has gotten off to a great start for you. My 2023 has been quite the whirlwind so far—highlights include...
Dear friends, The past few months have been thrilling, with a busy touring schedule across the US and Europe and some exciting composition projects (more on all this soon), but here I’d...
Dear friends, It’s been a remarkably busy few months with tours in the US and Europe and so many special moments to share, but I’d like to highlight one recent piece of...